7 days.
4 runs.
Total of 26.2 km ran. Average of 6.55 km per run. Daily average of 3.74 km.
Total for January so far: 85.8 km
KM left to hit target for the month: 14.2 km (5 days left, need 2.84 km per day)

4 runs isn’t a lot (when I usually do 6 runs a week) but it was a curious week. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: Steady canal runs, done.

I had a funeral in Newcastle on Thursday, Friday I decided to play it safe with the winds (but still managed to see a few people running along the canal) and Sunday I just wanted to rest, reflect and refocus as much as possible.

Saturday was a good active day. A 10.1 km morning run near Backbarrow in the Lake District and then about 6 km of walking, mainly about Barrow.

For the morning run I used Komoot to find some 10 km-ish route options — and then used Komoot to navigate me. It doesn’t half chomp through phone battery! I got as far west as I could and then switched to Apple Maps on my phone to guide me home. A lovely, fun hour and a bit outside though, with bonus climbs, scampering over a railway line and running through a field of sheep. Such calm after the previous day’s strong winds too.

Honorary mention to Thursday. Not a run day, but I had some time before my train back from Newcastle do had a wander from Haymarket down to Newcastle Central. Good to acknowledge the slower sessions which let you have a good snoop around and time to take things in and think them through.

An alright week.

Upcoming week targets:

  • Get that last 14.2km notched through by the end of Wednesday. Friday will be bonus distance then. And the weekend is a new month and some fun time run time.
  • In London on Thursday for work, so early start + late arrival back means no chance for exercise. Also need to make sure I don’t do long day travelling snacking on carbs-y stuff.
  • Related: Consciously watching what I eat this week.
  • Also related: No drinking of alcohol on weekdays, tops 3 glasses of wine over the weekend.
  • Need to do a good legs session, get the squats and heel raises back in the game.
  • Also need to do some upper body work.
  • Could do with a decent walk in the morning or evening if I ain’t running then.

Run note — 2025 #3 — Monday 20 January to Sunday 26 January