77 days.
5 runs, Thursday and Saturday off.
Total of 33.4 km ran. Average of 6.68 km per run. Daily average of 4.77 km.

January is over. Running total for January: 109.3 km (over distance target). Daily average of 3.52 km per day.

Total for February so far: 10 km out of 100 km.
KM left to hit target for February: 90 km (26 days left, need 3.46 km per day)

Working towards targets from last week and other notes:

  • Got through the last 14.2 km needed to do 100 km in January. Ended with 109 km, decent given I only ran 19 days, the icy and snowy spell contributing to 12 no run days. (Could have gone to the gym though, bruv…)
  • Overall a decent week of running.
  • Mainly steady 5 k runs. Trying to make sure the last KM of those runs has a bit more pace about it.
  • Ended the week with a steady Sunday 10km.
  • Nice to get some rotation again out of the running shoes too.
  • Failed on avoiding carbs on Thursday’s work trip. Was tempted by the side of mac and cheese at Canary Wharf’s Yolk.
  • Generally was OK with what I ate though.
  • Did a couple of low key legs sessions. Being honest with myself: It wasn’t enough.
  • No upper body though. Was going climbing but borked finger still feels borked. Try again this coming week.
  • Got some walks in, maybe not as many as I liked.
  • My legs felt achey a bit this week, did a bit last week too. Not sure if it’s tiredness or the statins/diabetes tablets. Need to keep an eye on it.
  • Weighed myself Sunday morning: 91.3 kg / 202 lbs / 14 stone 5 lbs. A starting measure for the coming weeks.
  • My sleep hasn’t been that great, two 5am starts, a couple of nights with 5 hours of sleep. For general health wellbeing this needs to be better.
  • The mornings are getting lighter earlier. Getting out at 7:30am looks A Thing.

Upcoming week targets:

  • 30km of running looks doable again.
  • Away Friday, squeezing in a morning run in Liverpool looks tight but will give it a go.
  • Two legs sessions.
  • One upper body session.
  • Low carb and low fats still.
  • Need to get some new tips for my Beats Fit Pros. Why don’t Beats just sell these?

Run note — 2025 #4 — Monday 27 January to Sunday 2 February